Saray Argumedo
Graduate Assistant
Saray Argumedo (Chichimeca) born in South Central Los Angeles and raised in the borderland of El Paso, Texas and Ciudad Juárez Chihuahua, Mexico.
Her family originates from the mountains and cornfields of Chalchihuites/Saín Alto Zacatecas and El Centro, Hidalgo del Parral Chihuahua, Mexico.
She is a doctoral student in the Teaching, Learning and Sociocultural studies program with a focus on Indigenous Community-Based Education.
Argumedo has dedicated the past decade working with and for Indigenous communities in South America, Mexico (her Motherland) and the United States of America.
As a person that is not original to this place, Argumedo is honored and privileged to be walking the lands of the Yoeme and O'odham peoples.